Gotta laugh right?
When life throws so much at you all at once....what else can you do? Cry...well, maybe for a while. Go to bed and cover up your head? OR start over...or again...or wherever your situation has landed you. is what I decided to do...start over, revamp and learn from the experience. Which lead me to my here is another lemon.
Take a gentle peek at my new blog design. I say gentle because I really AM aware...honest I am...that there is this huge space between the headers and the content. This is what I get from using the DESIGN element that is new to Blogger. I am sure at some point I'll figure out what to do in order to correct this slight set back. HOWEVER, in the meantime I'm just gonna leave it. There ARE more pressing issues to deal with right now.
I did however get a new project finished today.
Didn't think it would happen but it did...take a look and see what I made for me.

So, here it is a KNOCK OFF of my own is that for copy write infringement...
lol. I've redesigned an old stand by pattern I designed years ago. While it is utilitarian in nature it is quiet lovely and hip. An inset of a coordinating fabric can either be worn around the waist or as an empire for the younger crowd. The ties are simple yet cute and the tie around the neck isn't my usual. So, tell me please....would you like the apron or the pattern?
Heck call me if you like...just remember when calling will get a weird little recording but you know what to do.
Just leave your message if I don't answer and I'll get right back to you.
In and Because of HIM,