We are a very close to opening day at Handmade with Love...
I know we've been saying it for a while now however, it really is going to very soon! So, keep your eyes peeled for OPENING DAY!
....please meet the brains behind our newest designers...from
Judy Reynolds

Mom was an excellent seamstress. She passed her techniques down to me. I had 3 kids and made just about everything they wore. While raising my kids, I drew, painted, and crocheted – just about any craft that came along.
At the prime age of 49, I graduated from college with an art degree. I painted for a year, and taught classes at many shops. Then I got a job at my local quilt shop. My palette changed from paints to fabrics. I began making baby quilts adding my own perspective and originality. The shop really appreciated having a budding designer in their midst and they encouraged me to create some original designs.
I started Black Cat Creations in 1998 but soon realized I would need some help to make my designs come to life. That’s about the time that Amy
Cotham began working at the shop. We became partners and started marketing patterns our way.
It’s so much fun to open a catalog or magazine and see one of my designs. They seem to take on a life of their own. I hope everyone else enjoys making my patterns as much as I enjoyed creating them.
I think I was born crafting! I’ve always been interested in something – macramé, decoupage, crochet, folk art painting. I took my first quilting class in 1984. I was pregnant with my second child – bad timing. Have you ever tried to piece a Double Wedding Ring quilt on the machine when you couldn’t even reach the pedals? Well, with determination and lots of luck, I managed to get it done. That was the start of a love affair. No matter what craft trends have come and gone, quilting has always remained my #1.
Quilting has brought me so many great friends. In 1992, our family moved to Saudi Arabia. I quickly discovered that there wasn’t much to do, so I formed a quilting group – the Bedouin
Piecemakers. Would you believe they’re still going strong today?
My love of quilting lead me to pursue a job at my local quilt shop. I’ve cut fabrics, sold machines, managed employees and kept the shop stocked. It was there that I met my partner, Judy Reynolds. With her art background, she was able to design beautiful original quilts that everyone just had to have. Together, we formed Black Cat Creations in 1998.
Since then, Judy and I have really enjoyed creating fun and easy patterns that appeal to quilters of all skill levels. We hope to continue to grow and expand as the market and our customer’s needs grow.
Handmade with Love is the "go to" site for Black Cat Creations newest pattern format. We will offer
PDF form of their most popular & "oldies but goodies" patterns.
Black Cat Creations has several designers on board...you will be able to choose from several pattern types. So, now that you've met them....check 'em out here:
Handmade with Love
Just to tease you a bit....
In and Because of HIM,
Handmade with Love