Looking forward to a NEW YEAR!
How about y'all?
Many new plans for me this comming year. I am asking God to be IN everything I do. Well, actually I plan on asking HIM WHAT he wants me to do and I will (hopefully) join HIM in HIS plans for me.
My goals are to be a better Christian for HIM. To be a better "MeeMaw" for my grandchildren. A better mother to my 2 daughters. A better wife for my dear hubby of almost 39 years. A better employee for It's A Stitch. AND to take better care of myself.
My prayer is that God will lead me in everything I do and that I will listen!
In the works for my websites: http://www.HandmadeWithLove.artfire.com and http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=82991 is more items up for sale. Which means getting busy with more projects. Finishing up those that are UFO's (unfinished objects); to start new ones; and to help Rick, my dear hubby, pay off my new Bernina sewing machine.
Rick bought me a laptop for Christmas so I am now very "portable". I'll be able to take my work with me no matter where I go.
So be on the look out for all sorts of projects to come. There are many quilt tops ready for finishing, aprons that are also unfinished and I want to start on embroidery projects that are just waiting to "get out of my brain" and into real projects.
Well, goodnight all.
In and Because of HIM,
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