Hi everyone. Thank you for visiting my blog and Handmade With Love Art Fire store.
Here are just a couple more things that are pink and green in my store.

I would like to THANK everyone who has participated in the SEW WHAT blog tour...either by posting your shops or by visiting each day. We have had sew much fun with this.
A BIG THANK YOU goes to Karen Gass our BLOG QUEEN...she has worked very hard putting this together for us. SOOOOOOOOOO give her a big "5 thumbs up"! Way to go Karen...way to go.
Thanks again for supporting your SEW WHAT guild!
i love that apron too cute. to bad im not the fifth :-)
Hi Susan, your blog is wonderful. And the apron is beautiful--but I guess someone had to be first!
So should I post 5 times :) Just kidding.
I've really enjoyed the blog tour too! Great stuff in your shop too!
I love the colors of your apron :)
hah! I'm first! I guess i'll never win the apron hehehe. I love the yoyo flower bag. It's so dainty!!
Thank you and kudos to Karen! She did a mighty fine job making this tour possible!
THANK YOU all for your comments and commpliments. In and Because of HIM, Susan
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