We are still working on all the details but we can safely say we are on a roll. We are making contacts daily and will have our logo online soon for all to see.
Can you say EXCITED? We certainly are and hope that when our first patterns are published you will be excited as well.
DUNCE PROOF will be just that, DUNCE PROOF.
We have our own resident self proclaimed "DUNCE" to DUNCE PROOF all our patterns before they are ever released for publication.
Patterns will be available first as e-patterns (PDF) then on paper. Not sure of the details on that yet but we will let you know as soon as we do!
Can you feel our excitement and anticipation?
We hope so.
In and Because of HIM,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Be on the look out for DUNCE PROOF patterns.
Watch for news on this brand new pattern company.
You won't be disappointed.
In and Because of HIM,
Watch for news on this brand new pattern company.
You won't be disappointed.
In and Because of HIM,

Lord, help me be the person you want me to be...
the Christian women.........
the Wife You've called......
the Mother .................
the Daughter................
the Friend..................
the Neighbor................
the Co-Worker...............
I can not be these things all alone.......
I CAN be them through You!
Philipians 4:13 "I CAN do all things THROUGH Christ who strengthens me."
In and Because of HIM,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
OK one day soon I will get back to the quilting theme of my blog...I promise!
* Many ideas rolling around in the old brain~~~~~
* Time is definitely NOT on my side. LOL
* Thinking about posting more aprons and/or making some new ones!

* Intended to attend an open door concert this evening but the venue has changed....grrrr was going to take Sydney to her first live concert. :(
* Want to do anything today that is FREE (any ideas?)
* Worked on September Ruby devotionals this morning.
* Twitter- you can now follow me on TWITTER @RUBYforWomen
* DH just came in the room said we had $ to spend....WHOO HOOO! Off to spend it!
In and Because of HIM,
* Many ideas rolling around in the old brain~~~~~
* Time is definitely NOT on my side. LOL
* Thinking about posting more aprons and/or making some new ones!

* Intended to attend an open door concert this evening but the venue has changed....grrrr was going to take Sydney to her first live concert. :(
* Want to do anything today that is FREE (any ideas?)
* Worked on September Ruby devotionals this morning.
* Twitter- you can now follow me on TWITTER @RUBYforWomen
* DH just came in the room said we had $ to spend....WHOO HOOO! Off to spend it!
In and Because of HIM,
Friday, July 17, 2009

A Ruby Contest and You’re All Invited!
July 17, 2009 by magazineruby
Ruby Magazine is holding the first of many contests! This contest will be: Create a slogan for Ruby! We need a good slogan to go after or below our name “Ruby”.
This contest is open to EVERYONE! You don’t have to be a subscriber, but we hope you’ll want to.
The slogan should be succinct and capture the essence of Ruby. 12 words or less. The top 6 slogans will be chosen by the Editors of Ruby and then YOU will vote on the 6 slogans. The entry with the most votes will be our new Ruby slogan. AND! You’ll win a free subscription to Ruby AND!!!!! (yes there’s more!) a Grand Prize Goodie Bag which has been created from top to bottom by the Editors of Ruby. We are all creative and crafty and many of us are making a fabulous ’something’ for the bag – which will be an original design by Amy Designs! And filled with things I know you’ll love. (There will be a picture soon)
If you’d like to enter a slogan into the contest, please email it to Ruby Contest
All slogans should be submitted by Aug 15 and the winner will be announced in the September issue.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Create a slogan for Ruby! We need a good slogan to go after or
below our name "Ruby".
This contest is open to EVERYONE! You don't have to be a subscriber, but we hope you'll want to :)
Slogan should be succinct and capture the essence of Ruby.
12 words or less.
The top 6 slogans will be chosen by the Editors of Ruby
and then YOU (the reader) will vote on the 6 slogans.
The entry with the most votes will be our new Ruby slogan.
You'll win a free subscription to Ruby
AND!!!!! (yes there's more!)
The Grand Prize Goodie Bag which has been
created from top to bottom by the Editors of Ruby. We are all creative
and crafty and many of us are making a fabulous 'something' for the bag. The "bag" is an original design by Amy Designs and will be filled with things I know you'll love. Pictures of BAG and PRIZES coming soon!
If you'd like to enter a slogan into the contest, please email it to
Ruby Contest: rubycontest@...?subject=RubySloganContest
You will want to make sure there are no spaces in the link.
All slogans should be submitted by Aug 15 and the winner will be
announced in the September issue."
To "see" the BLOG Go here http://magazineruby.wordpress.com/
In and Because of HIM,
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My ArtFire shop has new listings!
There are more dolls listed so please check them out...they are gorgeous. To many things and not enough time to devote to "older" hobbies is forcing me to down size my crafting/sewing room. So my "lose" might be your "gain".
You can see them at http://www.handmadewithlove.artfire.com
I will be listing more of my beauties soon so check back often.
Thanks for looking.
In and Because of HIM,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Written by women for women. You don't want to miss this ezine. Find RUBY at http://magazineruby.wordpress.com/subscribe/
Don't miss the chance to take FLAT SYDNEY on your ADVENTURES and share them with the world. Curious...check her out in this months issue of RUBY.
HANDMADE WITH LOVE at ArtFire also has new products! ONE OF A KIND Handmade Porcelain Dolls.
Grandpa Grandmas Attic on Etsy AND Hand Made With Love. Handmade With Love is having a Christmas in July sale...go check it out.
In and Because of HIM,
Friday, July 3, 2009
CONGRATULATIONS to "busyhsmom"!
She is the winnner of the FREE JULY ISSUE of Ruby ezine.
Our firts issue is LIVE and ONLINE! Be among the first to subscribe. With articles that are clean, helpful and fun we know there will be something for everyone.
Our Homeschool editor, Melissa Warren, has an article about kites. You can have fun with The Adventures of FLAT SYDNEY...I can't wait to take her on her first field trip! There are articles on Home, Cooking, Color Pages, Paper Dolls (none of us are really ever to old to color or play with paper dolls...right?)...Devotions, by yours truely, Music, Continuing Story, Gardening....and oh so MUCH MORE~
Just copy and paste this link into your browser http://magazineruby.wordpress.com/subscribe/ OR if you prefer click on the Ruby avitar to the right of this column to take a peek at the RUBY BLOG.
Do yourself a favor and check out the PREMIER ISSUE for just $2.75. You will be glad you did....then if you like what you see (and I'm sure you will) don't keep it a secret tell all your friends. I'm sure they will want an issue for themselves; they may even decide to subscribe for the year.
In and Because of HIM,
She is the winnner of the FREE JULY ISSUE of Ruby ezine.
Our firts issue is LIVE and ONLINE! Be among the first to subscribe. With articles that are clean, helpful and fun we know there will be something for everyone.
Our Homeschool editor, Melissa Warren, has an article about kites. You can have fun with The Adventures of FLAT SYDNEY...I can't wait to take her on her first field trip! There are articles on Home, Cooking, Color Pages, Paper Dolls (none of us are really ever to old to color or play with paper dolls...right?)...Devotions, by yours truely, Music, Continuing Story, Gardening....and oh so MUCH MORE~
Just copy and paste this link into your browser http://magazineruby.wordpress.com/subscribe/ OR if you prefer click on the Ruby avitar to the right of this column to take a peek at the RUBY BLOG.

In and Because of HIM,
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