She is the winnner of the FREE JULY ISSUE of Ruby ezine.
Our firts issue is LIVE and ONLINE! Be among the first to subscribe. With articles that are clean, helpful and fun we know there will be something for everyone.
Our Homeschool editor, Melissa Warren, has an article about kites. You can have fun with The Adventures of FLAT SYDNEY...I can't wait to take her on her first field trip! There are articles on Home, Cooking, Color Pages, Paper Dolls (none of us are really ever to old to color or play with paper dolls...right?)...Devotions, by yours truely, Music, Continuing Story, Gardening....and oh so MUCH MORE~
Just copy and paste this link into your browser OR if you prefer click on the Ruby avitar to the right of this column to take a peek at the RUBY BLOG.

In and Because of HIM,
Oh wow! Thank you! Thank you!
You're SO welcome busyHSmom! Please let me know what you think!!
Please disregard comment left a short while ago...the promised issue of Ruby just showed up in my inbox! Thank you so much!
Hope you are enjoying your PRIZE. I'm so sorry you didn't receive it more promtly. Our Editor In Cheif has been a bit overwhelmed early on. Hopefully her job will get easier as we go along. In and Because of HIM, Susan
Totally understand! Thank you, again! I am telling all my friends about "Ruby."
THANK YOU so much. We can use all the word of mouth we can get! Hope you're enjoying the eZine. BTW check out the blog we have a Slogan contest. Who knows you might win that as well! Wouldn't that be great!
THANK YOU so much. We can use all the word of mouth we can get! Hope you're enjoying the eZine. BTW check out the blog we have a Slogan contest. Who knows you might win that as well! Wouldn't that be great!
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