CYBER Monday Sale on November 30, 2009...Our designers have chosen their favorite patterns to feature for this sale...I don't know which ones they are but I do know that we have first class designers and any pattern chosen will please the buyer!
December 1 - 24....Every day from the 1st to the 24th there will be one new pattern put on sale. You will want to visit COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP daily.
Here is a sampling of our categories....

There are currently 20 categories and you won't want to miss checking each one out! IF you ever thought about writing patterns be sure and check out the eBooklet by Karen Gass.
Check out patterns and make your plans for which patterns you can't live without. We now Have a gift Certificate available in denominations that fit any budget so why not give the gift of patterns to your favoirte quilter, sewer, crafter for Christmas?
Don't have crafters in your family? Not to worry...
RUBY eZine might be a great gift for you to check into! A year subscription is only $13.75 Check out an excerpt here: RUBY for WOMEN
Ruby is a downloadable zine...full of all sorts of fun and ideas. Decorating ideas for the holidays, WAHM articles, Paper Dolls, Flat Sydney Adventures and much much more. Written for Women by Women from all cross walks of life. Not your typical zine!
In and Because of HIM,
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