"I 'wanna-b' a________?"
If you filled in the blank with "become a pattern designer" or "writer for a magazine"...well....we have the position for you!

Seriously, RUBY eZine is looking to fill a couple positions for writers. Just go to Ruby Blog and contact Karen...she will help you out.
The other great opportunity is to become a designer with COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP

And here is the very best news of all...Karen Gass has written a booklet "HOW TO WRITE QUILT PATTERNS"! Booklet can be purchased at COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP. This "How To" can be adapted to most any pattern you have in mind to publish. So, if you're a designer of any craft give it a try.

Once you have it down on paper it becomes reality for you! Publish with COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP and voila...YOU ARE A PUBLISHED DESIGNER!
If you have never desired to be a writer or a designer we still would like to hear from you. We love interactive participation! Have ideas for future articles for Ruby? Want to submit favorite photos of holiday events, gardening, recipes, etc....just contact us via the RUBY Blog!
Do you have an idea for a new category at COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP? We love to hear from our customers...just let us know.
Looking forward to hearing from YOU.
We are also ACTIVELY RECRUITING customers as well... :)
....so check out the SHOP and see what we have to offer!
In and Because of HIM,
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