The "stuff" was just that...stuff(although my wedding rings were among the loot taken.)The scoundrels also did a lot of collateral damage to our home. Plan ole vandalism...we were at the end of a wonderful vacation in Eureka Springs, ARK when our grown daughter called with "the news".
While we were heart broken and sad we immediately started praying that God would not allow us to become bitter and that we would find it easy to pray for the person(s) responsible that they would come to know Him.
No we are not super Christian heroes or anything like that...we just knew that if we did not chose to "give it to Him" we would be personally affected in ways we did not want. Guess you could say we were selfish in that prayer.
Anyway...just wanted to give you a general background for what I am about show you!
My sewing/crafting room did not survive the break in...they took some things but thankfully things that were easily replaced...but the mess that was left behind was horrendous...fabric thrown, things moved and hidden under stuff...I mean these peeps had a lot of time to "do their thing" before they finally decided to leave!
It has taken me all these years to FINALLY get my room back to the way I wanted it and to MAKE IT MINE AGAIN! I would arrange and rearrange over and over and over again. Nothing seemed to 'work' for me. But the good news....I DID is finished and here is the 'evidence' to prove it.
The view from my kitchen:
Design wall and Accuquilt Go station. :-)
Cutting table:
The LONG awaited is where I write and package your purchases!
Fabric wall...NO THIS IS NOT ALL OF IT! There are tons in crates. LOL
And last but not least....going back into the kitchen.
Don't tell anyone but I love the fact that I have a concrete floor. I've scattered rugs around for a bit of warmth but cleaning up after a project is so easy. And don't you just love the added feature of the "old oil stained" look on the floor? LOL
In all the MakeOver my poor kitchen was sorely neglected...never fear...her MakeOver is next on the list. AFTER I get some sewin' done.
Now please tell me what you think!
In and Because of HIM,
It looks wonderful. So sorry about what you had to go through. Glad you were finally able to get it the way you liked it. Praise God you did not become bitter.
We will come by eventually. We've had a stomach virus this past week and Emily had to get stitches. You can see them on her blog,
It's hard to get out with little ones. It's a big ordeal; plus we are so busy. I do want to come by, though. I'll give you a heads up when it looks like we'll be able to come.
Hi Trudy...I totally understand your situation. Just know that there is no problem with bringing the children with you ...but I do understand how hard that is.
I'm sorry y'all have been sick. Went to Emily's blog and saw her story and stitches. OUCH. Made a comment. Hope she continues to do well. Isn't it just heart breaking when one of our babies gets hurt? No matter how minor or serious...moms just hate it.
My oldest will be 36 this summer and it gets no better...I always hurt for her now her hubby and children. Guess it never
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