Sunday, December 27, 2009


OK call me cwazy!!!

More than 25 years ago my DH's niece-in-law gave me this pot! I loved it (and still do). I cooked anything and everything in this little pot.

Then several Thanksgivings back (maybe 4) I took my favorite little pot to my brothers for a family feast. I even remember the dish I baked in it (sweet potatoes)...we left early that evening without my pot in tow...

Thinking I would get it back at our next weekend visit I just left it for others to savor the remaining batch of potatoes and never gave it another thought. Well...much to my dismay (and heart break) when I asked for my pot my DSIL said, "You took that pot home"...My brain was reeling...did I? No?...but I'll look in the cabinets when I get home and double check myself.

Sure enough over the next several visits to my brothers and after asking the same question to my DSIL and knowing my precious pot was NOT at my house...I simply gave up. But, I never stopped missing my pot!

Every time I went to prepare the dishes that I was so accustomed to preparing in it ...I would miss it and lament to DH about it...EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Then one day 2 weeks ago I was on the phone with my mother. You know...just one of those girlie chit chats about nothing much in particular. I can't even tell you what started this part of the conversation BUT...I mentioned my pretty little pot and told her the story.

She said..."I think I have that pot!...DDIL gave it to me several years back saying she didn't know who it belonged to but that I could have it." 'Well...HELLOW...DUH...OK!' She describes it to me and "yes, mom, I think that is my pot!"

Yesterday, we went to visit my mom and there on the counter top...pretty as ever...was my little pot! OH how I've missed that pot...but my mom said how much she loved it being the WONDERFUL daughter that I am (she says grinning like the Cheshire Cat) told her to just keep it..."No, I would never feel right using it again. You take it home." my pretty little pot is once again at home and I am SO LOVING HER! I promise never to take her out of my home to another feast...ever.

Now, call me cwazy...but I think she must have missed me as much as I've missed her. It seemed as if I saw her smile when we walked in the door. And I'm sure I heard a gentle if to say "oh, home sweet home". What do you think? Is she smiling? it my imagination?

Either way I sure am smiling....

In and Because of HIM,

Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas to my wonderful friends both here at home and online!

Here is a picture of the "decorations" we finally managed to get up so that our grandchildren wouldn't think we were total duffases for not putting any up! The kids made these decorations a few years ago and I couldn't resist an easy decorate!

On the top of the tree is my hat that Courtney...our middle grandchild...made for me for Mothers Day last year. She did it all by herself with only a small bit of suggestions from her mother. It is the most beautiful present I've ever gotten from any one in my whole life.

The editors of Ruby eZine all decided to allow our editor-n- chief to draw names to see who would exchange gifts with name was drawn by the editor (Karen Gass) herself and the little bear with a Christmas wreath halo was my gift from her. Isn't she just the most adorable little thing you've ever seen. Karen made this little jewel with her own two hands I might add. THANK YOU Karen!

Well...the day is done. We spent it with our two DD's and the oldest DH's husband and her 3 children. We had a wonderful fun filled day. We ate...exchanged gifts...played Wii sports...ate...played some more Wii sports and then every one left...Sure is quiet after the storm...but what a very nice storm it was.

Hope you and yours had as great of a day as did we!


Merry CHRISTmas to each and everyone.

In and Because of HIM,

Monday, December 21, 2009

MONDAY (EVENING) MUSINGS it is 3 days before Christmas 2009. You would think I'd have lots to say and or at least think about...but...nope. Most the projects are completed and are ready for wrapping. Still a few in the sewing room needing the finishing touches but for the most part all is completed.

The work week will be short as we get all day Christmas eve off...then Christmas day and those who would normally work on Saturday get that day off as well. ***note this is not my home nor is it my tree. I "borrowed" the pic from FREE don't have our tree up yet...yes I know it is Dec 22. We may not have a tree at all. DH says no since in it since we will be alone this year...LOL

I put a scarf on her to see how I needed to adjust it for different size dogs...well, can you tell that she is just a little "put out with me"...but she did be still for her photo! She is a good girl.

DH is playing with the dog...she loves to torture us with her we honestly care if she keeps them from us or not. She does, however, rule the house SO we play...taking her toy is a no no but...she still wants us to get them (or at least try) from her. It was a bit long for her but it adjusts so I think it will be good. No more "fussing" with this one.

I did make a very small scarf for those pups 1-5 pounds. They get so cold! Plans are in the works to do many new items for my friend who owns a local pet store here in town. There will be custom things for the "discriminating pup" and some everyday things for the mundane days....just keep your eyes on this line! Beds, monogramming, collars...IDK maybe toys, etc. We will see...

Ok, time to get to those last few gifts and get 'em done!

Merry CHRISTmas everyone.

In and Because of HIM,

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Today one of my co-editors for RUBY ezine shared on our members only blog the following website...WardrobeRefashion

I took Bridgetts' lead but only signed up for a two month pledge to refashion my wardrobe! Don't want to OVER COMMITT to anything over & above my already over committed life! So here is a picture of MY SIDE of the can't tell which pieces of clothing needs to be ReFashioned but I know. And there are MANY.

So, Brigett we are in this one together. And who knows at the end of my two months I may sign up for another and another and another....I have plenty of clothes to refashion that's for sure.

Looking forward to seeing where God leads me in this venture.

In and Because of HIM,

Thursday, December 10, 2009


At some point in our lives we have all given and accepted random acts of kindness. Today on THURSDAY THOUGHTFULNESS let's see how many ideas we can come up with to show more kindness and be more thoughtful toward others.

In our busy world we can get so self centered (even if we don't have that personality type). Myself for one...I get so enthralled in my daily routine of things that MUST GET DONE...working full-time away from home, 2 online stores, sewing for others, writing devotions for the online magazine Ruby, part owner of Cotton Spice Pattern Shop (a PDF company for crafting patterns of all genre), I'm a wife, mother, grandmother....OH MY!

I've said all that just to say this: "We are all busy...we all would like to show bits of kindness...but where do we 'find the moments'? How can we train our thoughts to include others on a regular basis.

Here are a couple of my favorite books on the subject of GIVING TO OTHERS. I hope you can get copies from your local library or better yet purchase them so that you'll be able to reference them from time to time. They are wonderful examples of how to put others first.

The Holy Bible...God was the very first giver...He gave life to the earth...then His Son, Jesus, He gave His life that YOU and I might be saved. So that is my first reading recommendation.

"Silver Boxes: The Gift of Encouragement" by Florence Littauer - I read this book years ago and oh my what a wonderful book of giving and sharing.

"Random Acts of Kindness" published by MJF Books - a collection of stories from people recalling random acts of kindness that they have personally experienced.

Here is a small list to get you started...Remember there is no act small enough that it will not count.
** Pick up bits of trash you find in your path today.
** Say please and thank you, if that is not your norm (and if it is don't stop).
** Open and hold open a door for a man (if your a woman) and women (if you are a man). Believe it or not most people love that!
** Do something out of the ordinary for your spouse today..need not cost a thing. Remember those little things they loved for you to do when you first met? If you've stopped doing them start doing it again TODAY.
** Give another driver your parking spot.
** Let the person in line behind you go first.

This list of suggestions is just that...a list. Make your attention to those circumstances around you that will give you cause to act on the kindness that your heart speaks to you.

My hope for today is that my Random Acts of Kindness will touch those around me but more than hope is that they, in turn, will give...give that act back to some one else in ways that speak to the love of Jesus.

In and Because of HIM,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ruby E-Zine & Cotton Spice Pattern Shop

RUBY eZine

Ruby is holding a DAYS OF Christmas giveaway...FREE DOWNLOADS and Christmas ideas, recipes...etc.

Today is day 7 but you'll be happy to know the other 6 days are still available on the blog. Just click here: Ruby Blog

Here is a bit of a preview of today's FREE download:


Cotton Spice is having Sales now through the 24th of December. Just for you....craft right up to the very last moment. Gift Certificates are also available in denominations for every budget. Give the gift that will be "JUST WHAT" your special person on your list wants.

Check out today's sale item ”Eagle of Pengwern” by Bridgett of Rambling Designs

Click here: COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP for a close up and to order.


In and Because of HIM,


Isn't this always the sit down with a "baGillion" things to share...and the moment your fingers hit the keyboard...NOT TA!

So, this mornings musings will not be what I had anticipated from the beginning. But...then isn't that life in general?

Just when you think you have it "down pat"....a curve ball. From out of nowhere...just plops itself right down in the middle of what other wise was a normal routine day.

I'm sitting on my bed typing, watching the clock (gotta go ya know) and desperately trying to pull something interesting, witty or otherwise profound out of this semblance of a brain. ~~sigh~~ I don't think the thoughts are going to come...they are little rascals you know...thoughts.

Thoughts can be a blessing or our undoing. So, be careful of how you think. We can become our thoughts and to a large degree we ARE our thoughts. Think about it (no pun intended) if we think we can/if we think we can't...well you get the drift.

OOPS! Clock says, "time to go lady!" So, I'm outta here. I'll try to recapture all those wonderful things I intended to share this morning...and get back to you on that. However, here is a WARNING...Don't count on it!~~giggle, giggle~~

In and Because of HIM,

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Just finished this little bed for the dog. However, since it has cats all over it and the outside of it has 'fur' on might have to be for a cat...OR a cat loving dog...LOL

Let me know what you think.

In and Because of HIM,


SNOW in Southeast Texas!

I just had to share this beautiful scenery from outside the shopping center where I work. Who would have believed that on a Friday morning in Southeast Texas we would be seeing snow? And for it to have snowed all day and actually stuck to the ground (cars, trees, etc) was a gift from God.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son...that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

God gave us the gift of His Son and on Dec 4, 2009 He gave us the gift of snow!

Isn't it lovely?

Thank you God for sharing a bit of beautiful fluffy, frozen, rain!

In and Because of HIM,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Have you ever said something similar to this?

"I 'wanna-b' a________?"

If you filled in the blank with "become a pattern designer" or "writer for a magazine"...well....we have the position for you!

Seriously, RUBY eZine is looking to fill a couple positions for writers. Just go to Ruby Blog and contact Karen...she will help you out.

The other great opportunity is to become a designer with COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP

And here is the very best news of all...Karen Gass has written a booklet "HOW TO WRITE QUILT PATTERNS"! Booklet can be purchased at COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP. This "How To" can be adapted to most any pattern you have in mind to publish. So, if you're a designer of any craft give it a try.

Once you have it down on paper it becomes reality for you! Publish with COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP and voila...YOU ARE A PUBLISHED DESIGNER!

If you have never desired to be a writer or a designer we still would like to hear from you. We love interactive participation! Have ideas for future articles for Ruby? Want to submit favorite photos of holiday events, gardening, recipes, etc....just contact us via the RUBY Blog!

Do you have an idea for a new category at COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP? We love to hear from our customers...just let us know.

Looking forward to hearing from YOU.

We are also ACTIVELY RECRUITING customers as well... :) check out the SHOP and see what we have to offer!

In and Because of HIM,

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Using Panels in Quilting Projects

When I purchased this ABC panel it seemed to be the perfect ABC's quilt; using blacks & whites to frame each small fussy cut letter.

Here is where I went wrong...did not look at each square individually to determine that they were squared within the cute little bamboo framing which I did not want to use. ~sigh~

That was the most critical flaw in my design. As it turned out it would affect the completed piece in that the rows did not line up! No matter how I tried it simply would not follow the rules! How could it?

So take a long hard look and learn from my mistake...oh no doubt it is cute but not what I had envisioned from the beginning.

All will not be lost however, plans will be to finish it for the holidays and give it to charity.

In and Because of HIM,

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ruby E-Zine FREE download

Talk about a give away! Black Friday Only....

For a very limited time RUBY e-Zine is offering a FREE download of the September issue.

Easy to find: go to Search for RUBY. Hit download. It is that simple.

Don't miss out. Do it now!

In and Because of HIM,

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Take a look at some of the products that may be on sale at Cotton Spice Pattern Shop beginning CYBER Monday!

What a wonderful time of year! We here at Cotton Spice wish you all a wonderful holiday season! Please let us hear from you. Is there a pattern you would like to see offered? Is there a category you are interested in that we don't feature (yet)?
Post to this blog or email one of us and let us hear your ideas.

In and Because of HIM,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkey Day & Christmas Events


CYBER Monday Sale on November 30, 2009...Our designers have chosen their favorite patterns to feature for this sale...I don't know which ones they are but I do know that we have first class designers and any pattern chosen will please the buyer!


December 1 - 24....Every day from the 1st to the 24th there will be one new pattern put on sale. You will want to visit COTTON SPICE PATTERN SHOP daily.

Here is a sampling of our categories....

There are currently 20 categories and you won't want to miss checking each one out! IF you ever thought about writing patterns be sure and check out the eBooklet by Karen Gass.

Check out patterns and make your plans for which patterns you can't live without. We now Have a gift Certificate available in denominations that fit any budget so why not give the gift of patterns to your favoirte quilter, sewer, crafter for Christmas?

Don't have crafters in your family? Not to worry...
RUBY eZine might be a great gift for you to check into! A year subscription is only $13.75 Check out an excerpt here: RUBY for WOMEN
Ruby is a downloadable zine...full of all sorts of fun and ideas. Decorating ideas for the holidays, WAHM articles, Paper Dolls, Flat Sydney Adventures and much much more. Written for Women by Women from all cross walks of life. Not your typical zine!

In and Because of HIM,

Monday, November 16, 2009

Check it out!
Cotton Spice now has a Gift Certificate available in denominations that make it easy on your Christmas budget!

Here are some of the patterns available for immediate download:

By Designer Kathy Adams of KoolKat Quilting from Australia

CallaLilies by Rochelle Martin of Cottage Quilt Designs

You won't want to miss the new Cotton Spice E-News to be published soon. Just go to the website and sign up!

In and Because of HIM,

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Cotton Spice Pattern Shop now has 9 designers and 60+ patterns online and ready for immediate download.

Check it out: Here is a list of our current designers:
Kathy Adams of KoolKat Quilting
Rochelle Martin of Cottage Quilt Designs
Karen Gass of Cotton Spice Designs
Margaret Bucklew of Trails of Thread
Deborah Vallbracht of Creative Folk Quilting
Amy Wilson of Ormond Beach Designs
Bridgett Stemplinger of Rambling Designs
Scarlett Rose of Scarlett Rose Keltic Designs

Many new designers daily at

In and Because of HIM,

Friday, November 13, 2009

What Are Your Weekend Plans?

As I sit here on Friday, November 13, 2009 I'm contemplating my weekend. It got me to wondering what all my wonderful blogger friends are up to this weekend.

Here is my list:
Dinner date with hubby tonight after work.
Sewing tomorrow while hubby works and DD is at her sisters house.
Church and going to the ball park on Sunday to watch our grandson pitch! now it's your turn...let me hear from you.

In and Because of HIM,

Tallgrass Prairie Studio: Project Improv - Won't You Join Me?

Tallgrass Prairie Studio: Project Improv - Won't You Join Me?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Interview with Kristin Rose

In this weeks RUBY Blog Karen Gass, our editor-in-chief interviewed Kristin Rose from Reclaiming the Home. Part 1 of the interview is ready to be read now...just click on RUBY Blog above. Part 2 will be ready on Thursday of this week (November 12, 2009).

Kristins' blog can be found at Reclaiming the Home and you won't be disappointed with what you read there.

This is a do NOT miss article. SO much fun and ideas to boot.

You'll want to read "The best gifts are made by hand, out of love" article written by Karen. This article appears right after the interview with Kristin.

Thank you Kristin for allowing Ruby to be a part of your life by giving us this opportunity to write and read about Reclaiming our Homes!

In and Because of HIM,

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crafterella: Kitty Bed from an Old Sweater

I just found this SO cute eco-friendly pet bed. What a unique and crafty idea from Crafterella!

If you have a mind to check out her blog...You won't be dissappointed. She has some super cool ideas. Got my creative juices flowing this morning.

Crafterella: Kitty Bed from an Old Sweater


In and Because of HIM,
Cotton Spice Pattern Shop
Handmade With Love
Grandpa Grandmas Attic

Saturday, October 31, 2009


We are actively seeking PDF patterns for quilts, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, cross stitch, crewel work, home decor, clothing, paper crafts, etc.

We will sell your patterns for you, on a consignment basis. You can get the nitty-gritty details on our About page. If you have any questions about any of the process, please email me!

Click DESIGNER INFO to go directly to our designer page. Sign up today...get published!

Looking forward to pulishing your work.

In and Because of HIM,
Cotton Spice
Hand Made With Love

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ruby E-Zine

RUBY has just given away a very nice piece of vintage fabric...check it out at

Here is the winning Christmas Memory:
Lynn wrote, “My favourite memory is from when i was about 7 years old. Santa always used to place my stocking on the end of my bed filled with lovely pressies. I woke up in the middle of the night and could see my lovely stocking stuffed full and something poking out of the top. In the half light I couldn’t make out what it was and I gingerly touched it and it was soft. I turned on the light and there was a knitted cat (that my mum had lovingly knitted with great frustration I learned later!) that I just thought was the bees knees. I had been wanting a real kitten for months and months but my mum was allergic to cats and so she gave me the next best thing. I loved that cat and cuddled it in bed for many years until it fell to bits.”

Congratulations Lynn!

I've found a new (to me at any rate) of Pat Sloan's QuiltersHome website at YOU might want to check it out. She has a wonderful article on a demo she did at Checker Distributors.

In and Because of HIM,
Cotton Spice E-Pattern Shop
Ruby E-Zine


We are official...Cotton Spice E-Pattern Shop

About Us

Cotton Spice has expanding! Karen Gass joined with me (Susan Peterman) of Hand Made With Love and Melissa Warren. Together, the three of us have created the Cotton Spice Pattern Shop, where we sell the biggest selection of PDF, immediately downloadable patterns available! We offer patterns in any of the craft genre's - knitting, crocheting, quilting, embroidery, crewel, you name it! If you like to do it, you can find the pattern for it here. If you don't find it, let us know. We'll get some for you!

We’ve been publishing Cotton Spice Quilting Magazine for the past four years and we already have a lovely customer-base, good traffic to our site and an e-Newsletter already set up - why start from scratch?

It’s easy to start selling with Cotton Spice. Fill out our Designer Registration form, submit it via email and you’re on your way!

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Your Favorite Christmas Memory and a Giveaway

Check out the newest RUBY giveaway!

What’s your favorite Christmas memory? Share it with us, we’d love to read about it. It can be anything you like, just as long as it involves Christmas. On Oct. 20, Tuesday, at noon CST, I’ll pick one name and they will win a piece of fabric of their own! This is 2 yards of Farmers Market by Sandi Henderson for Free Spirit fabrics. (SH-3701 Vintage Cherries) Wouldn’t this make a cute apron for some lucky person on your gift list?

Check it out here:

Enjoy and good luck!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cotton Spice Pattern Shop


About Us

Handmade With Love (AKA The Quilting Attic) has just partnered with Karen Gass, Cotton Spice, and Melissa Warren. Together, the three of us have created the Cotton Spice Pattern Shop, where we sell the biggest selection of PDF, immediately down loadable patterns available! We offer patterns in any of the craft genre's - knitting, crocheting, quilting, embroidery, crewel, you name it! If you like to do it, you can find the pattern for it here. If you don't find it, let us know. We'll get some for you!

Karen has been publishing Cotton Spice Quilting Magazine for the past four years and so that means we already have a lovely customer-base, good traffic to our site and an e-Newsletter already set up - why start from scratch?

It’s easy to start selling with Cotton Spice. Fill out our Designer Registration form, submit it via email and you’re on your way!

We are now ready to begin publishing and would love to publish your patterns. You can find us here:

Don't forget the Houston International Quilt Show starts in just a few days. Hope to see some of you there!

In and Because of HIM,

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I know I've been telling you for a while that it WILL BE SOON!

We are working out some technical problems with our web store as I type this post. We are ALMOST there!

Patterns are rolling in and we will go virtual soon. Why waste our natural resources on hard copy patterns. Not only do they cost the life of a tree but then if not recycled go straight into land fills.

Another advantage of going virtual is that your customers don't pay snail mail prices to get their product. All they need to do is click download and voila...instant pattern. Great promotional tool for your International more international fees and NO Customs to pay. Everyone wins.

Whether you design quilts, crochet, paper crafts, jewelry, knit, clothing....Even if you are only thinking about designing; we'd love to hear from you. If you design something different than those things listed...don't hesitate to contact us.

Remember we are going live among the very first to publish your e Patterns with us. Great deals. Just post to this link..

I'll be able to give you a URL soon!

In and Because of HIM,

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Excitement is Growing!

Handmade With Love is partnering up with another online store. While we will go live with our website soon...we are working hard with our sister webstore to get new and never before published patterns to you!

If you have a new UNPUBLISHED pattern you want us to consider publishing please leave comment here. We will look over your designs and let you know if you have what we're looking for.

*Remember, we are looking for never before published patterns. You must OWN the rights to these or we will not publish.
CRAFTERS of all kinds.
Scrapbooking Ideas

In and Because of HIM,

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hearts, Stars & Critters OH MY!

I know I've been promising more quilting news for several weeks...well, here is the beginning.

Just listed new products in my ArtFire and Etsy shops. You can check 'em out at your lesure...

In and Because of HIM,

Sunday, August 23, 2009

RUBY eZine


Ruby eZine written by women for women.

We are a group of women who sees the need for less advertising and more content! Want to read material that is not only wholesome but informative and helpful to your daily life.

We have sections on the following topics:
Home Schoolers
Paper Dolls (yes, they are for real women!)Fun things to do for grown-ups
Home Decorating
Cooking (recipes that are just the yummiest)
Continuing Story
Coloring Pages
WAHM (don't want to assume you do or don't know the acronym Work At Home Mom)
Free Stationary
and last but not least Stories and Pictures from our readers!

RUBY has a fun and easy interactive Social network just for subscribers.

Check out RUBY blog at At the right of the blog there is a link to take a PEEK at Ruby before you subscribe.

You can subscribe to the blog or to the eZine or BOTH!

Hope to see you all soon.

In and Because of HIM,

Thursday, August 20, 2009


TRANQUILITY layer cake give away!Check out the Green Fairy Quilts blog for details at


What a lovely layer cake

I entered and I hope I WIN~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Handmade With Love is expanding. We are about ready to release our newest patterns for sale and a new service to pattern designers.

Can't wait for you all to see the newest designs that have been rolling around in our heads. They will soon come to life. We are so excited.

In today's economy it is hard sometimes for folks to justify spending on unnecessary things. And with the skyrocketing costs of shipping it makes it twice as hard to make that decision to purchase. So, I'm looking to expand my business by offering pattern owners the opportunity to have their patterns written in PDF form.

I am also expanding my line of product and would like to carry your patterns, designs and product on consignment.

If you would be interested in either service please contact: Susan Peterman, for details.

Thank you,

Friday, August 14, 2009

Letting Go!

Letting go of a dream can be very hard for me and taking on new projects is way to easy.

Let's talk about taking on way more than I'm able to handle period. Must less handle well.

"Susan, would you like to ......(you name the project)". My answer, "OH that would be so much fun and it sound very interesting. SURE!", I say.

So...what all am I involved in?
Guild Master of an online guild
2 online
the other
Editor of the Devotions column for Ruby eZine
2 different blogs
A multitude of online social networking sites
2 Facebook personal...the other business
2 Twitter pages...both business
A new pattern company to publish first projects this fall
I'm a wife....mother...grandmother...
***Oh and did I mention that I work full time?***
I must be a glutton for punishment.


I will no longer be the Guild Master at Sew What guild on ArtFire as of August 17, 2009. Giving that up for someone who can do a better job that I. New and better leadership almost always brings positive change.
Will drop all but 2 of my social networks...praying about which one's to keep and which to let go.

I'm sure as I 'weed out' the many responsibilities in my life that the ones that remain will benefit greatly. More time to invest will mean better products for my online venues and my family.

I know I'm not alone in the issues of taking on more than I'm capable of handling well.
Is it just a woman thing???

I know we are such multi-taskers but honestly....

In and Because of HIM,

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The New Adventures of DUNCE PROOF PATTERNS

We are still working on all the details but we can safely say we are on a roll. We are making contacts daily and will have our logo online soon for all to see.

Can you say EXCITED? We certainly are and hope that when our first patterns are published you will be excited as well.

DUNCE PROOF will be just that, DUNCE PROOF.
We have our own resident self proclaimed "DUNCE" to DUNCE PROOF all our patterns before they are ever released for publication.

Patterns will be available first as e-patterns (PDF) then on paper. Not sure of the details on that yet but we will let you know as soon as we do!

Can you feel our excitement and anticipation?
We hope so.

In and Because of HIM,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Be on the look out for DUNCE PROOF patterns.

Watch for news on this brand new pattern company.

You won't be disappointed.

In and Because of HIM,


Lord, help me be the person you want me to be...
the Christian women.........
the Wife You've called......
the Mother .................
the Daughter................
the Friend..................
the Neighbor................
the Co-Worker...............

I can not be these things all alone.......
I CAN be them through You!
Philipians 4:13 "I CAN do all things THROUGH Christ who strengthens me."

In and Because of HIM,

Saturday, July 18, 2009


OK one day soon I will get back to the quilting theme of my blog...I promise!

* Many ideas rolling around in the old brain~~~~~
* Time is definitely NOT on my side. LOL
* Thinking about posting more aprons and/or making some new ones!

* Intended to attend an open door concert this evening but the venue has changed....grrrr was going to take Sydney to her first live concert. :(

* Want to do anything today that is FREE (any ideas?)
* Worked on September Ruby devotionals this morning.
* Twitter- you can now follow me on TWITTER @RUBYforWomen
* DH just came in the room said we had $ to spend....WHOO HOOO! Off to spend it!

In and Because of HIM,

Friday, July 17, 2009


A Ruby Contest and You’re All Invited!
July 17, 2009 by magazineruby

Ruby Magazine is holding the first of many contests! This contest will be: Create a slogan for Ruby! We need a good slogan to go after or below our name “Ruby”.

This contest is open to EVERYONE! You don’t have to be a subscriber, but we hope you’ll want to.

The slogan should be succinct and capture the essence of Ruby. 12 words or less. The top 6 slogans will be chosen by the Editors of Ruby and then YOU will vote on the 6 slogans. The entry with the most votes will be our new Ruby slogan. AND! You’ll win a free subscription to Ruby AND!!!!! (yes there’s more!) a Grand Prize Goodie Bag which has been created from top to bottom by the Editors of Ruby. We are all creative and crafty and many of us are making a fabulous ’something’ for the bag – which will be an original design by Amy Designs! And filled with things I know you’ll love. (There will be a picture soon)

If you’d like to enter a slogan into the contest, please email it to Ruby Contest

All slogans should be submitted by Aug 15 and the winner will be announced in the September issue.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Create a slogan for Ruby! We need a good slogan to go after or
below our name "Ruby".

This contest is open to EVERYONE! You don't have to be a subscriber, but we hope you'll want to :)

Slogan should be succinct and capture the essence of Ruby.
12 words or less.

The top 6 slogans will be chosen by the Editors of Ruby
and then YOU (the reader) will vote on the 6 slogans.

The entry with the most votes will be our new Ruby slogan.


You'll win a free subscription to Ruby

AND!!!!! (yes there's more!)

The Grand Prize Goodie Bag which has been
created from top to bottom by the Editors of Ruby. We are all creative
and crafty and many of us are making a fabulous 'something' for the bag. The "bag" is an original design by Amy Designs and will be filled with things I know you'll love. Pictures of BAG and PRIZES coming soon!

If you'd like to enter a slogan into the contest, please email it to
Ruby Contest: rubycontest@...?subject=RubySloganContest
You will want to make sure there are no spaces in the link.

All slogans should be submitted by Aug 15 and the winner will be
announced in the September issue."

To "see" the BLOG Go here

In and Because of HIM,

Thursday, July 9, 2009


My ArtFire shop has new listings!

There are more dolls listed so please check them out...they are gorgeous. To many things and not enough time to devote to "older" hobbies is forcing me to down size my crafting/sewing room. So my "lose" might be your "gain".

You can see them at
I will be listing more of my beauties soon so check back often.
Thanks for looking.

In and Because of HIM,