Sunday, January 31, 2010

Exciting...Exciting NEWS!

I can hardly wait.
Melissa, my friend and former co-worker, and I are about to GO LIVE with our website!

As some of you know I used to own a brick and mortar store. Over head took a toll and well...I moved my store to eBay. Then later to Etsy and ArtFire. Now, with Melissa's help I'm about to have a real live online store. I can't has been a long time in coming...but it is almost here!

At first we will offer PDF patterns from all genre...quilting, clothing, crochet, knitting, scrapbooking...etc.

Then as we grow...we hope to offer print on demand patterns. Want a pattern? We'll print off the press JUST FOR YOU!

Thinking about wholesale as well....

Check back often. Not sure when the STORE will actually go live but it will be soon.

In and Because of HIM,

1 comment:

Handmade With Love said...

Hey Trudy! Thanks...can hardly wait. When are you coming by the store? Excited to meet you. Oh by the way...our Sweet Heart Sale starts next Thursday and goes through Saturday, Feb 11-13.