Sunday, February 28, 2010


As promised!

Take a look at my "secret" project. I know I've told you about it for a week or so. And now here it is:


"Hip Hop" Gonk

and last but not least "Skully" Gonk

Ok so....tell me what you think!
In and Because of HIM,

Saturday, February 27, 2010


There is nothing more frustrating than to purchase something new, use it for a week....then mess it up! Grrrrr

Bought a new rotary cutting mat and you all KNOW how expensive they are. Well, I was working on my "secret project" for listing in my ArtFire shop this morning. Have been using my pinking shears for the project and my hand gets so tired. (Guess I need to buy those new ergonomic ones...but any way.) Then I had a genius idea (she says chocking). Why not use that cute little pinking blade on that rotary cutter that you never use? Good IDEA! Wrong...I knew better than to use it on my new mat...but time was ticking and I couldn't wait to get this little "ditty" finished. So...

Yep, it gouged a ding in the brand new mat! Grrrrr

Can't say I didn't warn myself...I knew better...but then....lesson learned!

In and Because of HIM,

Friday, February 26, 2010

What have I been doing?

I've been MIA...well not really. Just busy posting and listing new product in the new Handmade With Love Art Fire store.

We have 12 designers including myself and my partner in crime (Melissa)! You'll find us by clicking HERE AND you can follow our blog by clicking on the little sewing machine fast at work quilting those teeny tiny hearts at the top of the screen!

We have so many beautiful patterns from very talented designers...don't miss out. Visit us today.

So, between my "real job" and my FUN TIME job I've been way to busy to even think about The Attic. :( With a little luck and a lot of prayer I hope to be a bit more active in the site for a while anyway.

Working on a "secret" project. Just a hint: you could be seeing a new line of plushies at Handmade with Love. That is ALL I'm sayin'!

BUT before I is a sneak peak of just one of our patterns from KOOLKAT Quilting.

It's now time for me to finish getting ready for work...but it is FRIDAY!

In and Because of HIM,

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Pattern by Designer Rochelle Martin of Cottage Quilts here is the lastest (NEWEST) pattern in Rochelle Martin's shop.
You can find her at
What a cute, cute shop.

You can find all her patterns in our Handmade With Love ArtFire shop. Just click HERE!

We've added so many new patterns and hope to be adding more every day. I still have 13 of Rochelle's patterns to list. Will start on that tomorrow morning.

If any of you know of someone who would like to list their work with us please feel free to send them our way.

My email address is:

Let me hear from you!

In and Because of HIM,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

FEATURED Shop @ Handmade With Love

Good morning everyone...just wanted you all to take a look at just one of our designers at Cotton Spice.

It is my pleasure to introduce RAMBLING DESIGNS. Bridgett St. Meave has absolutley beautiful original knitting patterns.

Bridgetts' designs are just phenominal. This is just one....

We invite you to see her work at HERE. Purchasing her patterns are just a click away!

And don't forget.....before the end of February Cotton Spice Pattern Shop is moving and will have a name change. We will be known as Handmade With Love and will have a brand new look.

Melissa Warren, my partner in crime and friend, and I are so excited to share this new adventure with you!

This has been a very long awaited move for me. From brick and mortar store to ....well we will see!

We are still recruiting new designers. So go over there right now and check out Handmade With Love.

In and Because of HIM,


Check this out:

To celebrate the launch of this new show, our friends at Janome are letting us give away TWO (yes, TWO!!) dream machines! Someone is going to win the Janome 350e EMBROIDERY machine and a second person is going to win the Janome DC4030 SEWING machine! Now how cool is that?!

In and Because of HIM,

Thursday, February 4, 2010


OUR HOME WAS BROKEN into 4 years ago this coming summer. While we have "recovered"...none of our personal effects were ever found. :-(

The "stuff" was just that...stuff(although my wedding rings were among the loot taken.)The scoundrels also did a lot of collateral damage to our home. Plan ole vandalism...we were at the end of a wonderful vacation in Eureka Springs, ARK when our grown daughter called with "the news".

While we were heart broken and sad we immediately started praying that God would not allow us to become bitter and that we would find it easy to pray for the person(s) responsible that they would come to know Him.

No we are not super Christian heroes or anything like that...we just knew that if we did not chose to "give it to Him" we would be personally affected in ways we did not want. Guess you could say we were selfish in that prayer.

Anyway...just wanted to give you a general background for what I am about show you!

My sewing/crafting room did not survive the break in...they took some things but thankfully things that were easily replaced...but the mess that was left behind was horrendous...fabric thrown, things moved and hidden under stuff...I mean these peeps had a lot of time to "do their thing" before they finally decided to leave!

It has taken me all these years to FINALLY get my room back to the way I wanted it and to MAKE IT MINE AGAIN! I would arrange and rearrange over and over and over again. Nothing seemed to 'work' for me. But the good news....I DID is finished and here is the 'evidence' to prove it.

The view from my kitchen:

Design wall and Accuquilt Go station. :-)

Cutting table:

The LONG awaited is where I write and package your purchases!
This is NOW my favorite room in my house!

Sewing table with a great view to the outside world.

Fabric wall...NO THIS IS NOT ALL OF IT! There are tons in crates. LOL

And last but not least....going back into the kitchen.

Don't tell anyone but I love the fact that I have a concrete floor. I've scattered rugs around for a bit of warmth but cleaning up after a project is so easy. And don't you just love the added feature of the "old oil stained" look on the floor? LOL

In all the MakeOver my poor kitchen was sorely neglected...never fear...her MakeOver is next on the list. AFTER I get some sewin' done.

Now please tell me what you think!

In and Because of HIM,