Thursday, December 10, 2009


At some point in our lives we have all given and accepted random acts of kindness. Today on THURSDAY THOUGHTFULNESS let's see how many ideas we can come up with to show more kindness and be more thoughtful toward others.

In our busy world we can get so self centered (even if we don't have that personality type). Myself for one...I get so enthralled in my daily routine of things that MUST GET DONE...working full-time away from home, 2 online stores, sewing for others, writing devotions for the online magazine Ruby, part owner of Cotton Spice Pattern Shop (a PDF company for crafting patterns of all genre), I'm a wife, mother, grandmother....OH MY!

I've said all that just to say this: "We are all busy...we all would like to show bits of kindness...but where do we 'find the moments'? How can we train our thoughts to include others on a regular basis.

Here are a couple of my favorite books on the subject of GIVING TO OTHERS. I hope you can get copies from your local library or better yet purchase them so that you'll be able to reference them from time to time. They are wonderful examples of how to put others first.

The Holy Bible...God was the very first giver...He gave life to the earth...then His Son, Jesus, He gave His life that YOU and I might be saved. So that is my first reading recommendation.

"Silver Boxes: The Gift of Encouragement" by Florence Littauer - I read this book years ago and oh my what a wonderful book of giving and sharing.

"Random Acts of Kindness" published by MJF Books - a collection of stories from people recalling random acts of kindness that they have personally experienced.

Here is a small list to get you started...Remember there is no act small enough that it will not count.
** Pick up bits of trash you find in your path today.
** Say please and thank you, if that is not your norm (and if it is don't stop).
** Open and hold open a door for a man (if your a woman) and women (if you are a man). Believe it or not most people love that!
** Do something out of the ordinary for your spouse today..need not cost a thing. Remember those little things they loved for you to do when you first met? If you've stopped doing them start doing it again TODAY.
** Give another driver your parking spot.
** Let the person in line behind you go first.

This list of suggestions is just that...a list. Make your attention to those circumstances around you that will give you cause to act on the kindness that your heart speaks to you.

My hope for today is that my Random Acts of Kindness will touch those around me but more than hope is that they, in turn, will give...give that act back to some one else in ways that speak to the love of Jesus.

In and Because of HIM,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful idea and great list!